An independent gardening magazine with rough edges

01. Sept 2022 Guest entry from: Carmen Hocker, Pflanzenfreund

What unites us is universal: The love of the garden and nature, with its incredible variety of flora and fauna.

The makers of the garden magazine Pflanzenfreund appreciates the green idyll and inspirational insights into other gardens. But its objective is not purely to present the sunny side. Pflanzenfreund is also full of impartial articles and critical examinations that cast light into the shadowy side of the green industry. It questions the status quo in order to stimulate thought, it ventures into new territory with its insights and views, and it is no shrinking violet when it comes to the odd provocation. For Pflanzenfreund, this includes open thinking that reaches beyond borders, and international exchange with other gardeners and plant lovers.

"Informed, reflected, inspired, engaged" is Pflanzenfreund's guiding principle. Its contents include well-informed articles about nature and gardeners, humorous insights, rapturous essays and practical tips for life in the great outdoors.

As diverse as the flora and fauna itself, the community is made up of open-minded garden lovers and plant enthusiasts from across Switzerland who have a house and garden, apartment and balcony or an allotment garden, and for whom sustainable living is not just a buzzword.

"Our research always puts us in touch with exciting and committed people. Over time, we develop a real relationship with some of them. And together we come up with new ideas on how we can inform and further connect our community," explains senior editor Tanja Keller.

For example, ambassador Scarlet Allenspach regularly reports in our blog on the development of her forest garden project on Mallorca.

Son Selva Forest Garden
She combines courage, confidence and a sense of adventure: Scarlet Allenspach, industrial designer, balconista and founder of Urbanroots. Her latest project takes her to Mallorca, where she plans in the coming years to create a Mediterranean forest garden. Pflanzenfreund accompanies her on this exciting journey, reporting regularly on her progress.

Whoever joins him on an exkursion never sees the garden and nature through the same eyes again. The exciting interactions between animals and plants – between different species and their habitat – are Jonas Landolt's hobby horse. And his passion is contagious.

Since 1900, Pflanzenfreund has been awakening and nurturing a joy, passion and understanding for nature – that is, for everything that is alive and growing; including people. They carry this legacy into the future.

Pflanzenfreund's daily work is represented by four elements:
Water: Inspire as a mentor.
Air: Inform as an ambassador.
Earth: Engage as a networker.
Fire: Reflect as an innovator.

"We never run out of topics. After all, nature is inexhaustible."
Tanja Keller, senior editor

A huge thanks to Pflanzenfreund!